Del Piero: "Kami Sadar Akan Pentingnya Laga Ini"
Pada konferensi pers liga Champions melawan Bayern tampak Alessandro Del Piero yang ikut diwawancara.
"Memasuki lapangan dengan pikiran dan motivasi membuat kita menang di pertandingan kemarin dan ini merupakan hal penting. Kami sadar akan pentingnya pertandingan ini dan kami berharap dapat memenangkannya".
Belakangan Juventus dikritik karena tidak akrab dengan pendukung tapi Del Piero tidak setuju akan hal ini:"Saya tidak setuju kami tidak akrab. Memang benar bahawa bermain tiap 3 hari melelahkan bukan saja fisik, pikiran juga. Berusaha untuk kembali seperti semula secepatnya tidak mudah tapi kami berusaha. Oleh karenanya kami harus memberikan perhatian dan konsentrasi lebih tinggi. Ini merupakan karakteristik yang akan membuat perbedaan. Dan itu memang sulit tapi kami berusaha dengan sekuat tenaga".
Ditanya mengenai pertandingan sebelumnya, dia berkata:"Saya senang dengan kinerja saya kemarin dan akan terus berkreasi. Itu hanya ungkapan karena kemarin saya tidak bermain maksimal. Saya harus meningkatkan fisik dan pergerakan menjadi lebih baik".
Bagaimana rasanya bermain bersama Diego, Del Piero menjawab:"Saya senang bermain bersamanya tapi karena baru sekali bermain saya tidak bisa menjelaskan lebih lengkap. Kami harus melakukan dengan baik dan bila terus bersama maka kami akan menjadi lebih baik lagi".
Selasa, 08 Desember 2009
Pemain Yang Dipanggil Melawan Bayern Munchen

Pemain Yang Dipanggil Melawan Bayern Munchen
Setelah selesai berlatih untuk terakhir kalinya, Ciro Ferrara mengumumkan nama pemain yang akan dibawa menghadapi Bayern.
Daftar pemain tersebut:
1 Buffon
2 Caceres
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
6 Grosso
7 Salihamidzic
8 Marchisio
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
15 Zebina
16 Camoranesi
17 Trezeguet
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
23 Ariaudo
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
30 Tiago
33 Legrottaglie
Matchday 6:Juventus vs Bayern(09.12.2009 02.45 WIB)

* Partai terakhir fase grup A liga champions ini akan diselenggarakan di Stadion Olimpico Turin pada hari selasa 8 Desember 2009 Pukul 20.45 CET
Rabu, 9 Desember 2009
Pukul 02.45 WIB
- sebuah partai hidup mati utk Juventus meski hanya butuh hasil imbang...dan ini bukan partai mudah!!!
apalagi Chiello gak bisa bermain krn cedera, hiks
Chiellini Tidak Masuk Squad Utama Melawan Bayern
Ciro Ferrara mendapat kabar buruk sebelum pertandingan melawan Bayern. Kabar tersebut adalah cedera yang dialami oleh Chiellini.
Chiellini menjalani serangkaian tes dan sinar x untuk melihat cedera pada kaki kanannya pada pertandingan melawan Inter kemarin. Hasil tes menunjukkan adanya kelainan otot bisep paha kanan dan dia tidak dapat bermain selama 20 hari untuk masa penyembuhan.
Forza Gigi Buffonnnnnnn

ada satu pemandangan yg bikin gw kaget di partai melawan iler, sosok Gigi Buffon terlihat konflik dgn Motta, bahkan terlihat jelas raut wajah emosionalnya saat nguber si Motta hahahahaha
selama gw tau Gigi dr awal dia bermain di Parma, lom pernah gw liat dia berlaku spt itu...hehehehehe
dan ini komentarnya di football italia
Buffon's ultrà spirit
Monday 7 December, 2009
Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon says it's about time he showed his ultrà side after Saturday's scrap with Thiago Motta during the Derby d'Italia.
The Italy No 1, renowned for his cool head, lost it for a moment, getting involved in an ugly tussle with Motta who looked to have said something offensive.
Speaking to Tuttosport, Buffon revealed: “He didn't say anything. It's just at times you take something well and at other times you take something badly.
“This time I took it badly. But there are occasions in which it's good to make yourself heard.”
Asked if this meant Buffon has changed his softly softly approach with Juventus's opponents, Buffon replied: “It's true. You see that my ultra spirit has returned to the surface. But in this case I can allow myself because on Wednesday I'll have an operation and even if I were suspended for the next round…
“With Motta there is history. Six or seven years ago, when he played for Barcelona, we were already at each other. To think he is an ex-Genoa player,” Buffon added, being a famous Genoa fan.
The World Cup winner is back in action tomorrow night as Juventus take on Bayern Munich in a match that will decide their fate in the Champions League.
The Bianconeri cannot afford to lose if they are to qualify for the second round of the competition.
As mentioned above, Buffon will then go under the knife to repair the meniscus in his knee.
* football italia
Marchisio: «Senang rasanya bisa mengalahkan Inter dan apalagi mencetak gol penentu kemenangan»

Marchisio: «Senang rasanya bisa mengalahkan Inter dan apalagi mencetak gol penentu kemenangan»
Mencetak gol penentu kemenangan dalam suatu pertandingan mungkin merupakan momen yang luar biasa bahkan sangat luar biasa karena membuka peluang dalam perebutan gelar liga Italia. Claudio Marchisio merupakan pahlawan hari itu ketika golnya membawa Juventus meraih 3 angka melawan Inter dan tentunya ini merupakan tambahan semangat ketika menjamu Bayern dalam lanjutan kompetisi Liga Champions.
"Senang rasanya bisa mengalahkan Inter dan apalagi mencetak gol penentu kemenangan, meskipun demikian kita harus langsung memusatkan pikiran dalam pertandingan selanjutnya untuk menentukan lolos tidaknya ke babak kedua Liga Champions"
Pemain muda Juventus ini baru saja menjalani operasi bahkan dia berkata belum dapat memberikan kontribusi 100% dalam kompetisi seri A ini. Peluang seri A kembali terbuka untuk itu patut diwaspadai bahaya yang datang dari klub kecil:"Bahkan dimusim lalu kita selalu mengalahkan tim besar dan selalu melawan klub kecil kita kehilangan angka dan ini tidak boleh terulang kembali. Kami tidak perlu motivasi tambahan ketika akan melawan tim seperti Inter. Ketika akan melawan tim kecil seperti Cagliari atau Reggina seperti musim lalu kita harus menunjukkan determinasi yang tinggi. Contohnya ketika melawan Napoli dimana kita telah unggul 2-0 dan akhirnya kita kalah. Ini mesti dihindari".
Ketika ditanya kapan Juventus yang asli, Marchisio menjawab:"Juventus yang asli adalah seperti yang terlihat kemarin. Hari Selasa nanti dan di pertandingan-pertandingan selanjutnya semangat ini harus terus dijaga. Ketika melawan Bordeaux kami kehilangan 3 angka penting dan sekarang harus membalasnya".
Dalam pertandingan melawan Inter kemarin Juventus kembali menggunakan formasi berlian:"Formasi yang dipakai tergantung dari pelatih, kita yang mesti melakukan dengan baik dan sekuat tenaga".
Jadi apa yang berjalan tidak benar dipertandingan yang dulu:"Tidak mudah mengatakan apa yang tidak benar tapi saya rasa mulai sekarang kami harus selalu membawa determinasi seperti kemarin dan hanya dengan ini kita dapat memenangi pertandingan dan bersaing".
Buffon: Minggu ini merupakan minggu yang indah, terima kasihku kepada sang pelatih

Buffon: Minggu ini merupakan minggu yang indah, terima kasihku kepada sang pelatih
Buffon yang diwawancarai di akhir pertandingan semalam, mengakui jasa dan hasil kerja dari Ferrara selama seminggu ini: "Minggu ini sangatlah indah dan saya berterima kasih sekali kepada pelatih yang memberikan kepercayaan diri. Kami juga akhirnya percaya dengan kekuatan kami. Itu sangatlah cukup mengingat bahwa kapten Inter merasa bahwa laga semalam merupakan laga yang hebat dan kedua tim bermain baik. Tiga poin yang kami raih malam ini memberikan suntikan berupa kepercayaan diri. Semenjak hari ini sangat penting untuk bermain konsisten dan memberikan sinyal bahwa kami bisa mengalahkan tim yang sedang berada di puncak. Saya harus mengatakan bahwa saya melihat Juventus sangat sulit takluk di laga penting. Ini bukan berarti bahwa kemenangan akan selalu mudah diraih, kami harus bekerja keras untuk meraihnya".
Del Piero: Kami ingin memberikan tanda bahwa kami masih Ada

Del Piero: Kami ingin memberikan tanda bahwa kami masih Ada
Sang kapten berkomentar tentang kemenangan saat melawan Inter: "Kami ingin memberikan tanda bahwa kami masih eksis dan kami sudah melakukannya. Kami ingin melakukan yang terbaik dan kami mewujudkannya. Hari selasa mendatang kami harus bijaksana dan rendah hati. Kami juga harus mengerti bahwa kami harus bermain lepas agar bisa meraih hasil terbaik. Jika tidak, maka kami akan menanggung resikonya".
Ferrara: «Kemenangan yang pantas diraih. Sekarang Kami harus fokus ke laga selasa mendatang»
Ferrara: «Kemenangan yang pantas diraih. Sekarang Kami harus fokus ke laga selasa mendatang»
Ciro Ferrara sangat puas dengan kemenangan yang diraih atas Inter, karena Bianconeri ingin mengalahkan Nerazzuri dan itu telah terlaksana. Kini Ferrara tidak punya waktu untuk melakukan selebrasi, karena laga penentuan di Liga Champions sudah meninggu didepan mata. Ferrara menggaris bawahi hal ini: "Kami sangat senang dan merasa puas. Ini kemenangan yang sangat pantas bagi kami namun kami sudah harus fokus kembali untuk laga yang menentukan selasa mendatang".
Disamping hasil yang diraih semalam, Ferrara juga puas dengan anak asuhnya yang berlatih sangat keras selama seminggu penuh: "Saya merasa tenang karena tim termotivasi dan bersemangat sekali. Setelah ini, saya harus mempersiapkan laga dengan sebaik-baiknya. Bagaimanapun, kami harus mempersiapkan diri dengan baik tidak hanya di satu laga melainkan disemua laga".
Dirinya kemudian menggaris bawahi performa terbaik yang ditunjukkan Marchisio di babak kedua. Ketika ditanya tentang hal ini, Ferrara mengatakan: "Itu tidak akan terjadi karena dirinya bermain sangat seimbang, serius dan pekerja keras. Dia bermain di laga yang penting. Mari kita mengatakan bahwa dia menebus kesalahan dirinya yang tidak dapat memenangi duel perebutan bola dengan Eto'o pada saat terjadinya gol untuk Inter".
Akhirnya saat dirinya ditanyakan mengenai penampilan yang mengejutkan dari Caceres: "Saya senang setelah dirinya menjalani periode penyesuaian diri, sekarang dia menjadi lebih kuat. Dia pemain yang tidak pernah menyerah".
Ciro Ferrara sangat puas dengan kemenangan yang diraih atas Inter, karena Bianconeri ingin mengalahkan Nerazzuri dan itu telah terlaksana. Kini Ferrara tidak punya waktu untuk melakukan selebrasi, karena laga penentuan di Liga Champions sudah meninggu didepan mata. Ferrara menggaris bawahi hal ini: "Kami sangat senang dan merasa puas. Ini kemenangan yang sangat pantas bagi kami namun kami sudah harus fokus kembali untuk laga yang menentukan selasa mendatang".
Disamping hasil yang diraih semalam, Ferrara juga puas dengan anak asuhnya yang berlatih sangat keras selama seminggu penuh: "Saya merasa tenang karena tim termotivasi dan bersemangat sekali. Setelah ini, saya harus mempersiapkan laga dengan sebaik-baiknya. Bagaimanapun, kami harus mempersiapkan diri dengan baik tidak hanya di satu laga melainkan disemua laga".
Dirinya kemudian menggaris bawahi performa terbaik yang ditunjukkan Marchisio di babak kedua. Ketika ditanya tentang hal ini, Ferrara mengatakan: "Itu tidak akan terjadi karena dirinya bermain sangat seimbang, serius dan pekerja keras. Dia bermain di laga yang penting. Mari kita mengatakan bahwa dia menebus kesalahan dirinya yang tidak dapat memenangi duel perebutan bola dengan Eto'o pada saat terjadinya gol untuk Inter".
Akhirnya saat dirinya ditanyakan mengenai penampilan yang mengejutkan dari Caceres: "Saya senang setelah dirinya menjalani periode penyesuaian diri, sekarang dia menjadi lebih kuat. Dia pemain yang tidak pernah menyerah".
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
Forzaaaaaa Juveeeeeeeeeeeee

Juventus 2-1 Inter
Felipe Melo 21 (J), Eto'o 26 (I), Marchisio 58 (J)
Juventus: Buffon; Caceres, Cannavaro, Chiellini, Grosso; Felipe Melo, Sissoko, Marchisio (Poulsen 81); Diego (Grygera 90); Del Piero (Camoranesi 71), Amauri
Inter: Julio Cesar; Zanetti, Samuel (Materazzi 89), Lucio, Chivu; Muntari (Balotelli 59), Cambiasso (Mancini 78), Thiago Motta; Stankovic; Eto'o, Milito
Ref: Saccani
Sent off: Felipe Melo 87 (J)
* sebuah partai yg sangat menguras tenaga, pikiran juga emosi...tensi pertandingan sangat tinggi apalg saat masuknya Balotelli, bukan rahasia lagi nama ini sangat di benci oleh fans Juventus, bukan masalah rasis tp lbh pd perilakunya, dan ini kembali terjadi di Olimpico, Balotelli banyak memprovok pemain2 Juve, salah satunya Caceres dan Melo yg malah kemudian menerima kartu merah, bahkan seorg Gigi yg dikenal santun bisa meluapkan emosinya pd Motta, sumpah mampus...itu baru gw liat selama tau Buffon hahahaha
ada 2 pemain yg menonjol di partai ini, Caceres dan Marchisio..gol Marchisio sangat berkelas, great...
Menang, Seri dan Kalah...sebuah hal yg lumrah dlm dunia sepakbola...ini juga yg gw rasakan selama mencintai olahraga ini, tp apa yg tersaji di layar lebar di kemang food square dini hari tadi, bukan sebuah hal yg biasa buat gw pribadi..kemenangan Juventus atas Iler memang bukan sebuah final sebuah kejuaraan tp nilai dr kemenangan itu sangat berarti mendalam di dlm hati gw...sebuah kemenangan yg melambungkan euforia, sebuah kemenangan yg berarti menunjukkan bahwa Juve masih lbh baik dr mrk...apalg kemenangan itu bukan di peroleh dgn mudah, melihat perjuangan pemain2 Juventus hingga beberapa kali terlibat konflik, menggambarkan bahwa apa yg mrk raih itu di lalui dgn sebuah perjuangan yg maha berat, yg menguras tenaga, pikiran serta emosi para pemain Juventus...
sebuah contoh buat gw...utk lbh mencintai Juventus dlm kondisi apapun juga, dan menghargai perjuangan dr semua elemen yg ada di Juventus,
khusus buat rekan2 yg sdh datang ke kemang food square maupun di venue2 nonbar di seluruh Indonesia...salut dan terima kasih utk apa yg kalian lakukan di sana, terus teriakan yel2 Juventus dgn lantang sampe kapanpun juga...dan terus cintai Juventus baik dlm suka dan duka...
Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009
23 pemain utk partai Inter
Di akhir sesi latihan tadi pagi bertempat di Vinovo, Ferrara merilis nama pemain yang dipanggil untuk ikut serta dalam laga penting melawan Inter.
Juventus memanggil 23 pemain yang secara keseluruhan hampir lengkap. Iaquinta dan Salihamidzic masih absen. Namun yang terpenting bagi Ferrara adalah sembuhnya Trezeguet. Chiellini dapat bermain walau masih berkutat dengan cedera hidung yang dideritanya sejak hari senin yang lalu.
Inilah daftar pemain selengkapnya:
1 Buffon
2 Caceres
3 Chiellini
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
6 Grosso
8 Marchisio
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
15 Zebina
16 Camoranesi
17 Trezeguet
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
30 Tiago
33 Legrottaglie
Juventus memanggil 23 pemain yang secara keseluruhan hampir lengkap. Iaquinta dan Salihamidzic masih absen. Namun yang terpenting bagi Ferrara adalah sembuhnya Trezeguet. Chiellini dapat bermain walau masih berkutat dengan cedera hidung yang dideritanya sejak hari senin yang lalu.
Inilah daftar pemain selengkapnya:
1 Buffon
2 Caceres
3 Chiellini
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
6 Grosso
8 Marchisio
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
15 Zebina
16 Camoranesi
17 Trezeguet
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
30 Tiago
33 Legrottaglie
Giornata 15 : Juve vs Vaffanculo (06.12.2009 02.45 WIB) LIVE RCTI
Juve vs Vaffanculo
* Partai BIG MATCH ini akan diselenggarakan di Stadio Olimpico Turin pada Hari Sabtu, 5 Desember 2009 Pukul 20.45 CET
Minggu, 6 Desember 2009
Pukul 02.45 WIB
* Partai BIG MATCH ini akan diselenggarakan di Stadio Olimpico Turin pada Hari Sabtu, 5 Desember 2009 Pukul 20.45 CET
Minggu, 6 Desember 2009
Pukul 02.45 WIB
Cagliari 2 - 0 Juventus
Cagliari 2 - 0 Juventus
Nene' 30 (C), Matri 89 (C)
Cagliari: Marchetti; Pisano, Astori, Lopez, Agostini; Lazzari (Dessena 64), Conti, Biondini; Cossu (Parola 72); Nene' (Matri 61), Jeda
Juventus: Buffon; Caceres, Cannavaro, Chiellini, Molinaro (Giovinco 80); Sissoko (Tiago 84), Poulsen; Camoranesi, Diego, Marchisio (Del Piero 61); Amauri
Ref: De Marco
Nene' 30 (C), Matri 89 (C)
Cagliari: Marchetti; Pisano, Astori, Lopez, Agostini; Lazzari (Dessena 64), Conti, Biondini; Cossu (Parola 72); Nene' (Matri 61), Jeda
Juventus: Buffon; Caceres, Cannavaro, Chiellini, Molinaro (Giovinco 80); Sissoko (Tiago 84), Poulsen; Camoranesi, Diego, Marchisio (Del Piero 61); Amauri
Ref: De Marco
Sabtu, 28 November 2009
player calls
ini pemain2 yg dipersiapkan, minus Grosso, Trez, Vinny juga Brazzo
1 Buffon
2 Caceres
3 Chiellini
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
8 Marchisio
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
15 Zebina
16 Camoranesi
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
23 Ariaudo
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
30 Tiago
33 Legrottaglie
40 Immobile
1 Buffon
2 Caceres
3 Chiellini
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
8 Marchisio
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
15 Zebina
16 Camoranesi
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
23 Ariaudo
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
30 Tiago
33 Legrottaglie
40 Immobile
Giornata 14 : Cagliari vs Juventus (29 Nov 2009 Pukul 21.00 wib)

Cagliari vs Juventus
*Partai ini akan diselenggarakan di Stadion Saint Ellia, Cagliari pada hari Minggu, 29 November 2009 Pukul 15.00 CET
Minggu, 29 November 2009
Pukul 21.00 WIB
No suspended players for match against Cagliari. Poulsen reaches yellow cards limit.
24 November 2009
For the match on Sunday at the Sant’Elia, there will be no suspended players for Cagliari and Juventus. This has been the decision of the sport authorities who today published the sentences with regards to the matches of the 13th match day.
There are no suspended players amongst the bianconeri but the list of those who have reached the yellow card limit is growing. The yellow card received by Poulsen against Udinese is his third of the season and therefore the Danish national has been inserted in the list which already includes Legrottaglie and Grygera. No problem for Diego and Del Piero, the other two players who were shown the yellow card on Sunday night: the Brazilian is on his second while the captain on his first.
With regards to suspensions, there is a decision which affects Juventus closely. Inter player Maicon has been suspended for two matches following the sending-off during the match on Saturday against Bologna and will therefore miss the direct encounter on the 5th of December in Turin.
With reference to the match on Sunday night against Udinese, the sport authorities have decided to fine the club €20,000 since – as quoted from the statement issued – “its supporters, on four occasions during the match, sung chants which were insulting and incited violence against a footballer of another club (art. 12,3 and 6 CGS); entity of the sanction executed ex. Art 13,1b) and) ,2 CGS for the club not having worked to prevent such deplorable behavior”.
Ferrara: «I am sorry. Now we want to win against Bayern»
Ferrara: «I am sorry. Now we want to win against Bayern»
25 November 2009
It could have been the night that brought an end to the games. Instead, the 5th match day had another verdict: Bordeaux won themselves the top spot of the table after having already achieved the qualification to the final 16. With regards to the second place it will be a duel between Juventus and Bayern with the bianconeri – on the 8th December – able to hope for 2 results out of 3 and count on the help of the Olimpico public.
Before thinking of the match against the German side however one must analyze the stop in France. Ciro Ferrara cannot be satisfied with the performance of the team: «On the eve of the match I said we must avoid fouls outside the area and instead we committed many and were punished for this. On set pieces we must be more careful and tonight we weren’t. Today we did not manage to play well as a team and even the individual players were affected. I am sorry about this defeat because we wanted to end the games but we did not deserve it. I am still hopeful for the next match.We will be playing at home and against Bayern we will try to win. We will not be satisfied with a draw».
Legrottaglie: «We did not play like Juventus»

Legrottaglie: «We did not play like Juventus»
Five matches in the Champions League and 3 goals conceded. These are the statistics of the bianconeri in Europe. The numbers however do not show that all these goals were suffered against Bordeaux and all from set pieces.
After the one by Plasil in the first leg (on off-side), which brought to the draw after the lead by Iaquinta, now came the 2-0 by Fernando and Chamakh for a 2-0 that will force Juventus to play for it all in the last match against Bayern. Legrottaglie, as a defender, analyzed this aspect: «It is a pity because we conceded the first goal during our best moment. The set pieces are always decisive in football. They have this strength and they took advantage. I am sorry mostly because today we did not play like Juventus but we know what our mistakes were. We must put this defeat aside with the same equilibrium that we use after a victory and think with hope of the match against Bayern».
Alessandro Del Piero Plays Down Juventus' Poor Form
Alessandro Del Piero Plays Down Juventus' Poor Form
27 November 2009
Juventus talisman Alessandro Del Piero insists that is not overly worried by the Bianconeri’s poor run of form that saw them suffer a first, yet potentially costly, 2-0 defeat at Bordeaux in the Champions League this week.
The Turin giants failed to book their place in the last 16 of the competition after a disappointing display in France and will now have to avoid defeat at home to Bayern Munich next month to progress.
“It’s clear that I am not satisfied,” Del Piero told the Corriere dello Sport.
“When you lose you are upset. We suffered too much. We could reflect on several things at the moment, but the truth is that we were coming off a testing three-month spell.
“There have been plenty of injuries and the new players are settling in. It’s inevitable to go through ups and downs.”
Juve travel to Sardinia this weekend to take on in-form Cagliari.
“Let’s hope we get back to winning ways soon, starting with Cagliari, so that we gain more self-confidence,” concluded the skipper.
Something isn't working, says Diego
Something isn't working, says Diego
26 November 2009
Juventus midfield maestro Diego admits something isn't working after last night's disappointing 2-0 defeat away to French champions Bordeaux.
The result leaves Juventus needing to beat German giants Bayern Munich next month to ensure their qualification for the latter stages of the Champions League.
Speaking after the game, the Brazilian said: “It was a very important game for us and we got it wrong. Something isn't working.
“We have to talk about it and try to grow,” he concluded.
Diego's team-mate, Italy centre-back and Athlete of Christ, Nicola Legrottaglie also expressed the disappointment he felt at the way his side performed.
“The goal was actually against the run of play, as at the start of the second half we were doing better. Unfortunately once again we conceded a goal against Bordeaux from a dead ball situation.
“It's a shame, as we had started with the right attitude after the break. In these competitions nowadays the dead ball situations are crucial, as it's difficult to score in the Champions League from open play.
“Bordeaux deserve praise, they have this characteristic and deserved to win. It certainly wasn't our best performance and we did not play like Juventus.
“We know the responsibilities and pressure of wearing such a prestigious jersey, so we may not always be consistent, but we did work hard and have the final game on home turf.
“We have two out of three results at our disposal,” Legrottaglie concluded.
26 November 2009
Juventus midfield maestro Diego admits something isn't working after last night's disappointing 2-0 defeat away to French champions Bordeaux.
The result leaves Juventus needing to beat German giants Bayern Munich next month to ensure their qualification for the latter stages of the Champions League.
Speaking after the game, the Brazilian said: “It was a very important game for us and we got it wrong. Something isn't working.
“We have to talk about it and try to grow,” he concluded.
Diego's team-mate, Italy centre-back and Athlete of Christ, Nicola Legrottaglie also expressed the disappointment he felt at the way his side performed.
“The goal was actually against the run of play, as at the start of the second half we were doing better. Unfortunately once again we conceded a goal against Bordeaux from a dead ball situation.
“It's a shame, as we had started with the right attitude after the break. In these competitions nowadays the dead ball situations are crucial, as it's difficult to score in the Champions League from open play.
“Bordeaux deserve praise, they have this characteristic and deserved to win. It certainly wasn't our best performance and we did not play like Juventus.
“We know the responsibilities and pressure of wearing such a prestigious jersey, so we may not always be consistent, but we did work hard and have the final game on home turf.
“We have two out of three results at our disposal,” Legrottaglie concluded.
Buffon: In Europe you need more

Buffon: In Europe you need more
Wednesday 25 November, 2009
Gianluigi Buffon rues Juventus mistakes in Europe and maintains there is a “big difference” in terms of approach compared to Serie A.
“It’s not a tactical issue, it’s more one of mentality and the fact there is a big difference between playing in Italy and in Europe,” he said after the 2-0 defeat in Bordeaux.
“Here you need physical strength and a bit of quality, but in Europe everyone is very organised and you risk some costly slip-ups.
“We saw with Inter that if you don’t have a truly strong organised system, you won’t be able to dominate teams on your travels.
“The only Italian side who can do that are Milan and that’s why they traditionally do so well in this competition.”
The Bianconeri will still qualify for the knockouts if they avoid defeat against Bayern Munich in the final group game in Turin.
“Against Bayern we must try to find a strong core and reduce the risks to a minimum. Up until tonight we had the best defence in the Champions League, so we should be able to achieve that,” added the goalkeeper.
Curiously, Bordeaux are the only club to have put a goal past Juve in the Champions League this season, netting once in the opening 1-1 draw and twice here, all of them from set plays.
“We certainly need to be more concentrated, especially as we already conceded with a set piece in the first leg.
“Bordeaux have this curious characteristic in that seven of their eight goals have been from dead ball situations.”
Bordeaux 2-0 Juventus
Bordeaux 2-0 Juventus
Fernando 54 (B), Chamakh 93 (B)
Stade Jacques Chaban-Delmas
Bordeaux: Carasso; Chalme', Ciani, Planus, Tremoulinas; Fernando, Diarra; Gouffran (Traore' 75), Plasil, Wendel; Chamakh
Juventus: Buffon; Caceres, Legrottaglie, Chiellini, Grosso; Felipe Melo, Sissoko (Marchisio 88); Camoranesi, Diego, Del Piero (Immobile 68); Amauri (Giovinco 77)
Ref: Gonzalez (Spa)
* sebuah partai yg mnrt gw sangat jauh dr harapan, gak cuma hasilnya tp juga permainan Juve yg jauh dr kata lumayan, selama pertandingan nyaris pemain2 juve berada dlm tekanan yg hebat sekali...kekalahan ini bisa menjadi penentu langkah Juve ke babak selanjutnya, krn partai terakhir kontra Munchen akan jd partai hidup mati meski juve hanya butuh 1 angka di Turin
Selasa, 24 November 2009
Bordeaux vs Juventus (26.11.2009, Pukul 02.45 WIB)

pemain yg di persiapkan utk partai melawan Bordeaux
1 Buffon
2 Caceres
3 Chiellini
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
6 Grosso
7 Salihamidzic
8 Marchisio
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
15 Zebina
16 Camoranesi
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
23 Ariaudo
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
30 Tiago
33 Legrottaglie
40 Immobile
* minus : Trez dan Vinny (cedera)
Ferrara: Three very heavy points, I’m really happy
Ferrara: Three very heavy points, I’m really happy
This time the stop for the National team does not give problems to Juventus. Peril Udinese is overcome thanks to Grosso’s goal and a few risks suffered during the ninety minutes.
Ferrara gets three points more and remains in Inter’s wake. These are the words of the trainer at the end of the match: «We won a very difficult match, I want to underline this, and this is why I’m so happy about the three conquered points, very heavy. Udinese is a dangerous team, they play fast and it is not easy to defeat. In the first half we suffered some difficulties, we were too slow. But then we improved and we found a goal thanks to our quarterbacks’ hustle, who worked hard for the entire match. Grosso, besides having scored the match ball, played a very good match. Del Piero’s entree? I decided I made him play while we were still 0-0. His performance was positive, like the other boys’. I’m really satisfied with tonight performance».
Juventus Star Diego Heaps Praise On Alessandro Del Piero

Juventus Star Diego Heaps Praise On Alessandro Del Piero
23 November 2009
Juventus captain Alessandro Del Piero made his long-awaited comeback from injury last night when he replaced Sebastian Giovinco during the Bianconeri’s 1-0 win over Udinese in Serie A.
The 35-year-old had only mustered a single appearance in the league so far and summer signing Diego partnered him for the first time in an official game.
“It went beautifully,” the Brazilian trequartista said to Sky Sport Italia of the fledgling partnership.
“Del Piero is impressive and it’s not hard to play alongside him. It’s always a pleasure.”
Juve were made to work hard to defeat Udinese at the Olimpico and it took an effort from left-back Fabio Grosso to break the deadlock.
“It’s true, it was a difficult clash,” admitted the ex-Werder Bremen man.
“Udinese are a great team, but I reckon that we were not moving enough during the first half and that’s why we struggled.
“But we did better in the second period and what’s important is that we picked up the three points.”
Juve are now five points behind leaders Inter and will travel to Cagliari next Sunday before hosting the Nerazzurri the following weekend.
welcome back Alex
Juventus Ace Alessandro Del Piero: It Was Really Tough Coming Back From Injury
23 November 2009
Juventus legend Alessandro Del Piero has reflected upon his return from injury, and admits it was harder that usual getting back on the pitch.
Prior to the 30 minutes he played in the 1-0 win over Udinese on Sunday, 'Pinturicchio' had only amassed just ten minutes against Bologna.
"It was more difficult coming back. Different from the usual. Maybe it's because I was not used to it as I haven't had a serious injury in the last four years," Del Piero told La Gazzetta Dello Sport.
"I came on and wanted to play strongly for the good of the team. It went well and I cannot complain."
Juventus have now closed the gap on league leaders Inter to five points after it was temporarily stretched to eight following the Nerazzurri's 3-1 triumph over Bologna on Saturday.
Diego: «We won an important match»
Diego: «We won an important match»
22 November 2009
This time he could not punish Udinese, like it happened four times last year, when he was playing in Werder, but Diego gave a great contribution to victory. And most of all he finally had the chance to play at Alessandro Del Piero’s side.
At the end of the match, Diego comments the result for 1-0 vs. Udinese: «In the first half we did not move a lot, there was too much distance between midfield and forwarders, and this is why we had a little difficulty. In the second half we were better in the match spirit and at the end we won a very important match.
Now maximum concentration for the challenge vs. Bordeaux, a match we can and we must win».
Poulsen: «A nice victory, now let’s think about Champions»
Poulsen: «A nice victory, now let’s think about Champions»
22 November 2009
On the night of Sissoko coming back and with Marchisio now in the launch pad, Ciro Ferrara had one of best Poulsen of the season. The Danish was among the protagonists on the pitch, covering and making the manouvre restart. And most of all opening the action for Grosso’s goal.
At the end of the match, Poulsen comments: «I thank for compliments to my performance. I’m happy for this victory vs. a team such as Udinese who plays well and in fact it was a difficult match. We were better in the second half, compared to the first one.
Now this fundamental match in Bordeaux is waiting for us, we go there knowing that if we win we qualify and we get to the top. Now that also Del Piero and Sissoko are back, our group is more complete».
* salah satu penampilan terbaik Poulsen yg gw liat selama ini...dia mampu menutup peran Melo yg bermain kurang baik di partai ini, satu aksi Poulsen jugalah yg mengawali proses gol kemenangan Juve atas Udinese...thx a lot Cris
Grosso: «What an emotion the first goal at Juventus»
Grosso: «What an emotion the first goal at Juventus»
22 November 2009
He had already scored at the Olimpico, but only with the Italian jersey. To find the first bianconero goal, Fabio Grosso chose the same goal, the one below the North curve. A beautiful goal but most of all important to give the team three golden points vs. Udinese.
After the assist for the first goal in Bergamo, another play from the external, always more at ease with the team. «This goal gave me so much emotion, most of all because it gave us three points –Grosso is happy and comments the match -. It was particular, an external making an assist to another external is not too tactical. After the goal I wanted immediately to hug Caceres because half of the merit goes to him. This victory allowed us getting closer to Inter.
We are still far away, but we know we have all possibility to do well and win the championship. Wednesday in Bordeaux? I know well that stadium and that atmosphere. It’s a dangerous team and they showed it conquering already qualification. I don’t know if they will have important absences, there are still three days to go, anyway we must think only about ourselves».
* ini gol pertama Grosso utk Juventus....well done Fabio!
Giornata 13 : Juventus vs Udinese (1-0)
Juventus vs Udinese : 1-0 (Grosso '51)
Juventus: Buffon; Caceres, Cannavaro, Chiellini, Grosso; Poulsen, Felipe Melo (Sissoko 52); Camoranesi, Diego (De Ceglie 86), Giovinco (Del Piero 52); Amauri
Udinese: Handanovic; Basta, Zapata, Coda, Lukovic; Inler (Sammarco 83), D'Agostino, Asamoah; Lodi (Romero 57), Floro Flores, Isla (Corradi 87)
Ref: Brighi
* bukan sebuah partai mudah, meskipun Juve bermain di kandang dan Udinese tampil tanpa beberapa pemain terasnya, partai ini berjalan ketat apalg pemain2 Udinese bermain keras utk menahan laju Diego...penampilan under form dr Melo juga membuat Udinese sedikit banyak memperoleh ruang di lini tengah, kinerja Poulsen cukup baik utk menutupi penampilan Melo, bahkan gol Juve berawal dr sebuah umpan yg bagus ke Caceres yg ikut naik menyerang, yg kemudian memberikan crossing sempurna ke depan gawang lawan, Grosso yg juga membantu menyerang mampu menceploskan bola ke gawang Udinese, sebuah gol yg berasal dr proses bermain yg bagus...
hal penting lainnya adalah bermainnya Alex dan Momo di partai ini...welcome back
Minggu, 22 November 2009
21 pemain utk partai vs Udinese
1 Buffon
2 Caceres
3 Chiellini
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
6 Grosso
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
16 Camoranesi
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
23 Ariaudo
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
33 Legrottaglie
40 Immobile
Minus :
Brazzo, Marchisio, Vinny, Zebi, Trez dan Tiago (cedera)
welcome back Alex dan Momo
2 Caceres
3 Chiellini
4 Felipe Melo
5 Cannavaro
6 Grosso
10 Del Piero
11 Amauri
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
16 Camoranesi
18 Poulsen
19 Molinaro
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
23 Ariaudo
28 Diego
29 De Ceglie
33 Legrottaglie
40 Immobile
Minus :
Brazzo, Marchisio, Vinny, Zebi, Trez dan Tiago (cedera)
welcome back Alex dan Momo
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Exclusive: Diego ‘snubs’ Prem

Exclusive: Diego ‘snubs’ Prem
20 November 2009
Juventus ace Diego has revealed that he presently has no real desire to test himself in the English Premiership.
Despite being widely regarded as the best League in the world right now, the Brazilian claims it doesn’t appeal to him.
“Does the Premier League tempt you? No, not really,” he exclusively told Calcio Italia magazine.
In an in-depth interview with the football monthly, on sale today, the South American explains how desperate he was to join the Old Lady of Italian football.
“To play for Juventus was a childhood dream,” he noted. “I have admired the Bianconeri since I was a young boy, since before I started my professional career.
“Juve and I is a long history of love. We have had some conversations before but nothing concrete came off until this summer.”
The Turin giants completed his £22m transfer following months of courtship and after Bayern Munich made a late bid.
“Bayern Munich is a big club and they have good players,” he noted. “As with other teams, my manager discussed the possibilities but they did not come to anything.”
Now in Turin, the former Werder Bremen ace is hungry for honours at home and abroad.
“I want to win as much as is possible,” he added. “I came here to win things and I hope I can help the Old Lady to put some more trophies in the cabinet.
“I am convinced that here is where I will play most of my football.”
Read the full exclusive interview with Diego in the December issue of Calcio Italia.
Panucci backs Amauri bid
Panucci backs Amauri bid
20 November 2009
Parma stopper Christian Panucci is surprised by the controversy over Amauri’s possible Azzurri future. “I see nothing strange about it.”
The debate over whether the Juventus ace should play for Italy has again been in the news this week after he was attacked by Giampaolo Pazzini.
The Sampdoria striker questioned his rival’s status seeing as he was born in Brazil and is only set to be handed an Italian passport thanks to his wife’s Italian citizenship.
But Panucci, a man who won 57 caps for Italy before the return of Marcello Lippi, doesn’t see what all the fuss is about.
“I don’t know for sure whether Amauri is totally Brazilian or a little Italian,” stated the summer signing from Roma.
“If the documents say that Amauri can have Italian citizenship, then I think it is right that he is considered for the national side. I see nothing strange about it.”
Panucci backed up his argument by using Juventus winger Mauro Camoranesi, who was born in Argentina, as an example.
“It wouldn’t be the first time that this has happened seeing as it occurred with Camoranesi and nobody said anything.”
Nevertheless, although the former Milan player has given his backing to Amauri, he has also given his support to Pazzini.
“I just think that Pazzini, as well as Amauri, are two players who deserve to be a part of the World Cup in South Africa.”
A problem to the calf for Trezeguet: a 30 days stop

BAD NEWS!!!!! :nonono: :nonono: :nonono:
A problem to the calf for Trezeguet: a 30 days stop
Bad news for Ciro Ferrara. Juventus trainer will have to manage without David Trezeguet.
This morning, the French forward had an ultrasound and a MRI for the trauma distraction at left calf suffered during yesterday training session. The diagnosis is a first grade lesion of left soleus muscle, for which they foresee a stop of about 30 days.
So David won’t be able to go on the pitch Sunday vs. Udinese. A special match for him, who will be given a prize for his goals record achieved vs. Atalanta.
Kampretttttttttt....kapan gw bs liat Juventus bermain dgn susunan pemain lengkap??? itu jd barang langka di musim ini, satu per satu tumbang....
Jumat, 20 November 2009
Cannavaro: «For me the scudetti won are 29»

Cannavaro: «For me the scudetti won are 29»
He was one of the few who had not yet been a guest of Filo Diretto. Now, even Fabio Cannavaro has experienced it and in the afternoon was the guest of Valeria Ciardiello in the studios of Juventus Channel. In half an hour the defender answered the questions made by the subscribers of the Juventus station and of those subscribed to Juventus Membership.
Before the live programme, the defender also spoke of his current situation, that of Juventus and that of the national team. «I see that many are already speaking of the match against Inter but personally I have decided not to speak of this subject for the next two weeks. I am interested in the matches against Udinese and Bordeaux. The first must make us understand that we must not give up in the championship whilst the second must grant us the ticket to the next round of the Champions League. Luckily, after the break we will have the return of many important players like Del Piero and for us it is a good thing since we need everyone».
From Juventus to the national team. Just like his mate Buffon, Cannavaro returned to base after having taken part only in the friendly match against Holland and yesterday he was able to follow the match against Sweden and others. «Surprised by the results? To tell you the truth, no. Seeing the draws it was difficult to expect surprising results, but I am very sorry for Trapattoni for the way he was eliminated. With regards to Italy, I think that there is still room for everybody and up to the very end the call-up list is open».
The World Cup in South Africa is in addition to the many objectives with Juventus. 2010 will be very intense for Cannavaro: «I am well and I am happy with all the milestones I managed to reach. After 400 matches in the Serie A, I will soon reach the 500 including those in the Liga. These numbers make me proud and make me understand that I managed to do well in my career, especially here in Turin during my first parenthesis. The scudetti? For me they are 29 and those two which they revoked I still feel are mine, just like the sensations felt, the fatigue and the celebrations. The medals won are sill at my home!»
Felipe Melo: I’ll Repay Juventus Faith

Felipe Melo: I’ll Repay Juventus Faith
18 November 2009
Juventus midfielder Felipe Melo says he is unfazed by his inconsistent start to life in Turin and has reiterated his claim that he will soon prove his detractors wrong, after being labelled a ‘disappointment’ in the press.
“If they rehash the fact Juve spent big on me, it doesn’t even make sense,” he told the La Gazzetta dello Sport.
“That didn’t depend on me. What depends on me is to repay the choice that Juve made by gambling on me and I know that I won’t betray that faith.
“No-one will regret the investment that was made.”
Melo showed his true colours before the international break by turning in a magnificent performance in a 5-2 win over Atalanta.
He also netted a spectacular goal from distance to take his tally for the season to two, but he has yet to find the net at the Olimpico.
“Scoring goals is not my duty, but if they come all the better,” he said.
“If I score at home I will run to celebrate in front of the Curva. Perhaps against Inter…”
Juve will host the Nerazzurri on December 5.
A Super Chiellini scores the match winner for Italy

* great Chiello, satu sundulannya di menit ke 28 ke dlm gawang Swedia membawa Italia mengalahkan Swedia 1-0 di Cesena dlm sebuah partai persahabatan, ini gol kedua Chiello selama berkarir di timnas Italia, gol pertama dia torehkan thn 2007 saat Azzurri mengalahkan Kep. Faroe 3-1,
A Super Chiellini scores the match winner for Italy
18 November 2009
Giorgio Chiellini scored the goal which allowed Italy to win the friendly match against Sweden.
He is a defender and yet since a few weeks ago his relationship with goak scoring is becoming stronger and stronger. After having scored important goals for Juventus, Giorgio Chiellini has sent the ball to the back of the net even in the friendly match between Italy and Sweden played in Cesena.
The starting line-up featured two bianconeri: Chiellini and Legrottaglie while Camoranesi came on for Marchionni on the 77th minute. The match saw Sweden start-off well with Marchetti performing a good save but Italy soon emerged dominating the rest of the first half. The goal by Chiellini was scored on the 27th minute and 18 minutes later went close to scoring a second, running but to the defence and saving on a Hysen attampt.
The azzurri played well even for most of the second half with the Swedes emerging more towards the end of the match.
Amauri to be Italian?

Amauri to be Italian?
19 November 2009
Juventus striker Amauri has done little to inspire confidence in the people waiting for him to play for Italy.
The 29-year-old, who was born in Brazil, has applied for an Italian passport by virtue of the fact he has lived in Italy for so long, and his wife, after a rather drawn out process, managed to prove she is also Italian.
Italy boss Marcello Lippi has opened the door to selecting Amauri, causing a degree of controversy within his own camp especially in the run up to the World Cup.
Sampdoria striker Giampaolo Pazzini doesn't feel he should have to fight for his place in the Italy squad with a person who doesn't in fact have any Italian ancestry.
Amauri has defended himself and his Juventus team-mates have also rallied around him, but the whole thing now appears to be getting a bit too much for him.
“In all honesty, I don't want to talk about it, as it isn't my business. I can only focus on what I can do,” Amauri said of Italy's World Cup plans.
“There is a lot of competition, as is natural for a footballing nation like Italy, so it's difficult for everyone. When your club side does badly then everyone thinks each player is in trouble, whereas when the team has success it raises your profile,” Amauri concluded.
Amauri: «I feel great!»

Berita ttg Amauri saat ini menjadi sebuah Hot News krn masalah statusnya bisa atau tidaknya memperkuat timnas Italia, ini di panas kan oleh komentar seorg menteri yg mengatakan jika Amauri tdk perlu dimasalahkan krn jelas ada nama2 spt Cassano yg lbh py hak bermain utk timnas Italia...
Amauri: «I feel great!»
17 November 2009
A year and a half. Amauri did not take much time to enter the heart of the supporters. After so many shows of esteem since he arrived in Turin, now the Brazilian has received another which is very important. He is the winner of the “Castagna d’Oro” (Golden Chestnut), an award which was established by the Juventus Club Mottarone and which is in its 25th edition. It is a very prestigious acknowledgement, considering the great names of Juventis players who won it before him, from Platini – in 1983 (first edition) – to Camoranesi, who won it last year. Other names, just to mention a few, are Scirea, Ferrara, Buffon, Nedved, Trezeguet and Chiellini and obviously Alessandro Del Piero who also was present at Stresa for the event.
«Seeing the champions that preceded me, it is an honour to receive this award – were the first words of Amauri upon arrival at Lago Maggiore. I Thank all the friends of the club Mottarone who voted for me and all the Juventus supporters, who since my arrival always showed me their affection which I have to return».
This he will do starting from Sunday when Juventus will play against Udinese, the team against which Amauri scored his first championship goal for Juventus at the beginning of last season. After have been forced to a stop against Atalanta, the striker wasnts to make up: «I feel great at the moment. I stopped after the two gaols against Sampdoria and I want to start again from there. A difficult match awaits us against a team which play well, but we are Juve, we are playing at home and we don’t want to make mistakes».
The theme of the day could not help but be the national team. Amauri’s name has been called upon recently with regards to the call-ups for the World Cup. The Brazilian answered in this way: «I decided a year ago what I would like to do but before I become an Italian citizen, Lippi cannot take me into consideration. Until I receive my passport, I will dedicate myself only to Juventus. If I am called-up I will be happy to reply to the call. I think of the World Cup, like all players do. At the moment I don not feel at all uncomfortable and I do not want to comment about what was said recently. I respect the opinion of others but the others must respect mine too».
Iaquinta sets comeback date

Iaquinta sets comeback date
19 November 2009
Juventus striker Vincenzo Iaquinta hopes to return to full fitness in time for the top of the table clash with Inter on December 5.
The 29-year-old is currently recovering from surgery on the meniscus in his knee, an injury suffered by Gigi Buffon, Claudio Marchisio and Davide Santon.
“Three weeks have past since the operation. Defining the recovery time will not be simple,” Iaquinta told Tuttosport.
“It will not be easy, but my wish is that of playing against Inter. I would like to play the match against the Nerazzurri and hopefully score the decisive goal.
“What's certain is that it will be a battle with Mourinho's team. There is no medicine for it. We'll need to concentrate for more than 90 minutes,” Iaquinta concluded.
Canna: 'France lacked decency'

Canna: 'France lacked decency'
Thursday 19 November, 2009
Italy captain Fabio Cannavaro said France’s celebrations after the handball goal over Ireland "lacked decency.”
The football world has been dominated by controversy from last night’s play-off in Paris, which saw Thierry Henry handle to set up the winner.
“I am very disappointed for Giovanni Trapattoni,” he told Juve Channel.
“It’s particularly galling that the French have always criticised us for our football affairs, but I think they’re in no position to lecture us on fair play now.
“It is difficult to contain yourself when you are on the field, but at the very least they could’ve had the decency to not celebrate quite so much.
“France were fortunate in that they came up against a team of great sporting culture like Ireland. Otherwise the match would’ve and probably should’ve been suspended.”
That goal in extra time cost Ireland their participation in the World Cup finals in South Africa next summer.
Italy have their ticket and Amauri could be in the squad after he gains citizenship in March, though Antonio Cassano continues to hog the headlines.
“Amauri is the player who has impressed me the most with his character and work ethic. If he is on form, he can change the face of a team,” added Cannavaro of his Juventus teammate.
“Amauri made his choice, he wants Italy. Our squad know him and what his qualities can achieve.
“As for Cassano, he is a great lad and a strong player. However, we must all respect the decisions of the Coach and the players who are called instead of Antonio.”
* football italia
Grandr Camoranesi
Buffon: «We must win against Udinese»

Buffon: «We must win against Udinese»
The return to the championship is drawing near. With the parenthesis for the international matches which is not completely over yet and while awaiting the two matches scheduled for tonight, Juventus is continuing with its preparation in view of the match on Sunday night at the Olimpico against Udinese.
Amongst the international players who have already returned to base is Gigi Buffon. The number one stayed with Lippi’s squad in order to make his 100th appearance for the azzurri last Saturday against Holland, before returning to Turin. «It was very useful for the team to make another step towards the World Cup – he said on his official website – and for me it was the opportunity to reach an important milestone. Tonight I will watch my mates against Sweden an I am sure that they will do well».
Some of his mates - Chiellini, Grosso, Legrottaglie and Camoranesi- he will be meeting tomorrow afternoon, before the training session tomorrow afternoon. With regards to another two azzurri he will have to postpone the appointment: Di Natale and Pepe will be absent on Sunday for the match in Turin. The first is suspended while the second is injured. «They are fundamental players but I don’t think that Udinese will be easier to beat for this reason. For us it will be a decisive match for our progress in the championship and for this reason we must win. At home we have already dropped a number of points and we cannot afford more false steps».
Just like last year, the match against the friulani comes after a break. Last time it was at the start of the championship and was settled by an Amauri goal. This year it is in mid-November but most of all two weeks before the match against Inter. Buffon concluded: «the direct encounter is drawing near. Our objective is to start winning full points and win the 3 points against Udinese, trying to repeat this in the next match away to Cagliari».
Del Piero wins the “Premio Internazionale Sport e Civiltà”

Del Piero wins the “Premio Internazionale Sport e Civiltà”
17 November 2009
It is the fair reward for the example set on and outside the field of play throughout his career: the Premio International Sport e Civiltà (International Award for Sport and Civilization), was received yesterday by Alessandro Del Piero at the Teatro Regio in Parma: «For me it is a great reason of pride and satisfaction – commented the Juventus captain on Sky Sport 24-, an important acknowledgement for my career and I shall continue with the same responsibility which I must and which all of us players must transmit outwards».
The warm welcome in Parma was a show of the fact that his example is also appreciated by non-Juventus supporters: «This is not the first time that I have had such an experience. I have always received great satisfaction from the supporters even only the field when I was applauded many times. Now my only thought is to return to playing on Sunday, I hope».
Alex is urging and ready to go: «I am physically fit and ready to get back to the field on Sunday. The new tactics? I have no worries. I am physically well. I must only think of returning to the field».
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