Senin, 25 Mei 2009


Claudio Marchisio came back from a series of injuries to immediately leave his impact in a crucial match for the final outcome of the season: «I am happy to have come back after a month of injuries. I feared cramps but I am glad to have healed well thanks to the staff. The team played well and we managed to put a large weight on the match from the first half».

The midfielder spoke of the changes in the last week: «We worked differently this week. It is normal with a change of coach. Today we felt we could cope with the heat. I am happy with the goal and I would like to thanks Alex for the pass. I try to help out even in the attack because that’s what all good players do and today I managed to do so well».

*cukilan dr

1 komentar:

tony kazrood mengatakan...

bravo juventus......
semoga musim dpn lbh dahsyat!!!!