Caceres: « I dedicate my goal to Fonseca on his birthday and to all the supporters»
Martin Caceres could not have dreamed of a better debut and this could be seen from his comments after the match: «I am happy because it was my first match and besides it was a difficult match against Lazio. Things couldn’t ahve turned out better. I was quite scared and excited but I am so happy that this was easily forgotten. I dedicate my goal to Fonseca on his birthday and to all the supporters».
secara keseluruhan sebenarnya penampilannya tidak bisa dibilang baik, sisi sebelah kanan yg dia kawal ber kali2 bocor oleh serangan2 Lazio yg terlihat memang lbh fokus menyerang dr sisi ini, dan itu berhasil krn beberapa kali Kolarov mampu menerobos ke dlm kotak pinalti bahkan juga membuat Gigi Buffon berjibaku dan melakukan aksi2 gemilangnya...
adaptasi mungkin yg jd kendala buat dia, dan semoga itu bisa dia atasi dgn baik...btw Congrats utk gol di debut bersama Juve di serie A, sebuah gol yg mengubah permainan Juventus dan awal dr kemenangan Juve di markas Lazio! well done Martin
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