dlm beberapa pertandingan Tiago malah sering di pakai tenaganya oleh CF, bahkan saat bentrok dgn raksasa Eropa, Makcrot pun dia dimainkan penuh...dan Tiago memperlihatkan penampilan yg cukup baik dibandingkan musim2 seblomnya...apakah ini sebuah pertanda Tiago akan bisa mempertunjukan kemampuan yg sebenarnya dia punyai?
gw sangat berharap itu terwujud, go Tiago go....
ini cukilan komentarnya di juventus.com after partai tsb
Del Piero and Tiago, once again protagonists against Real
Even Tiago is satisfied. The Portuguese hit his second post after the one against Nancy in Joeuf but most of all he confirmed himself as being a new signing compared to the past years. «I am happy because we won playing well and because of the way things are going for me. With the change in scheme I feel better. Before I was sacrificed on the defence while now I am more free and I can express myself better participating more in the attacks and proposing play. Besides, a feel more faith in me.».
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