* partai Juventus vs Parma, mengalami penundaan krn sebuah insiden...sebuah insiden yg memakan korban jiwa seorg fans Parma berumur 27 thn bernama Matteo Bagnaresi,
ada beberapa versi ttg kejadian ini, hanya sebagian media menuliskan korban meninggal akibat tertabrak bus yg ditumpangi fans Juventus, kejadian ini sedikit di luar kota Turin, dimana ada sekelompok fans Juve yg akan melihat partai Juve vs Parma, dan bertemu dgn fans Parma si sebuah pemberhentian, terjadi sedikit kericuhan dimana fans Parma mengejar pendukung Juventus...yg kemudian lari ke dlm bus yg lalu melaju...disinilah kejadian itu berlangsung, dan tewasnya Bagnaresi bukan akibat perkelahian antar fans,
ini beberapa cukilan berita2nya :
Fans explain "tragic accident"
Sunday 30 March, 2008
While the death of a Parma fan run over by Juventus supporters is clarified, there are reports the game could be rescheduled for April 16.
The Serie A game was called off this afternoon as a sign of mourning and amid fears of crowd trouble after 27-year-old Matteo Bagnaresi was killed at a motorway service station outside Turin.
The exact dynamics are still hazy, as there are two different versions of events. Some eyewitnesses claim the driver was looking in his mirrors to check the chasing Parma supporters were not closing in and therefore did not notice Bagnaresi crossing his path.
Another version given by a friend of the deceased insists it was a tragic accident and had nothing to do with football.
“Matteo was near to the rear tyres of the minibus and was hit when it went into reverse. The driver did not see or realise what had happened.
“We tried shouting at him to stop, but he was probably afraid and thought we were threatening him, so he drove off.”
According to witnesses at the motorway service station, there was no physical contact whatsoever between the two sets of fans.
All there was before the driver got into the minibus was an exchange of verbal insults.
The game was called off to avoid potential reprisals and passed without further incident at the Stadio Olimpico in Turin.
The date for the rescheduled tie will be decided tomorrow, but is likely to be Wednesday April 16.
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